Habit #6 – Drinking Water Daily

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 

Habit #6 – Drinking Adequate Amounts of Water
Do you know the signs of mild dehydration? Most people do not drink an adequate amount of water each day. They often feel lethargic, cranky, have headaches, have dry skin, can feel dizzy, and can have issues with your urinary tract.
Drinking an adequate amount can help boost your energy and make your skin look healthier. It can plump your skin up and fill in some light wrinkles. Drinking water can also help curb your appetite and cravings.
How do you know how much is a healthy amount to drink each day? The easiest way I can remember it is to take my body weight and divide it in half. That is how many ounces I need per day.
If the weather is extremely hot or humid, I increase my intake by 10 to 20 additional ounces. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds. You need approximately 75 ounces of water per day. If you are exercising heavily, you will want to increase your water intake to compensate for your sweat loss.
Even in cool weather, you need to drink your water daily. I have a friend who got dehydrated over the weekend because she was not drinking enough water last week. It caught up with her.
Drinking other beverages, especially those with caffeine, does not count toward your water intake for the day. Caffeinated beverages actually cause dehydration when consumed in large quantities. Drinking sugar-sweetened drinks (or sugar substitutes) also does not count toward your water intake for the day.
If you are sorely lacking in the area of drinking water, start replacing your other beverages one at a time with water. If you are drinking a lot of sodas, start weaning yourself down. You will feel better and have more energy as you give your body the water that it needs. You may also see some health concerns rectify themselves when you are drinking an adequate amount of water daily.
Your Home Blessing for today is to dust and vacuum.
Your Zone Mission for today is to go sofa and chair diving.
My menu plan for Tuesday is spaghetti and salad.
Have a blessed day!

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About Tami

Tami Fox is a homeschool mom of 6, who in age from 26 to 11. She and her husband have homeschooled for 17 years and have graduated three of their children from their homeschool. They are currently homeschooling 3 boys who are in grades 11, 9, and 6. They use hands-on learning and unit studies to ignite the fire of learning in their children. Tami is a homeschool author and conference speaker. You can contact her by email at Tami@TamiFox.com. Buy her book, Giving Your Children Wings at https://tamifox.net/giving-your-children-wings/.

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