Your Organized Bedroom

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool


Dear Friends,
Your bedroom is your sanctuary from the world. It is not the catch all for the stuff you don’t have a place for. We tend to overlook the importance of our bedrooms.
Take a look at your bedroom. Make a list of the things you could do to declutter it and make it look more peaceful.
Do you have clothes piled in the corner? Chairs and treadmills in the bedroom are a clutter magnet for clothes. Usually your clothes spend more time on the treadmill than you do.
Are your flat surfaces piled full? Take a look at the piles. What you can give away or throw away? What needs to be put away? Get it down to the bare essentials.
If you have things piled in the corners, find a place for them or get rid of them. Sometimes we get so used to seeing things in the corners of our room that we quit “seeing” them. Look at your room with fresh eyes.
Think about how you feel when you walk into a hotel room or a vacation rental. Until you unpack, it has clear surfaces. Do what you can to recreate this in your bedroom. If you have cleared off surfaces, you can dust weekly. If your surfaces are piled high, you probably are not dusting in there regularly. It’s time to evict the dust bunnies!
Do you use the underneath part of your bed for storage? Consider not keeping anything under your bed or only a few things. It will be easier to evict the dust bunnies each month when I tell you to clean under your bed.
Look at your bed. Do you need to freshen up your linens, bed cover, or pillows? Adding a few throw pillows can give your bed a new look after you make it each day. If you are slacking on making your bed daily, resolve now to make your bed as soon as you get up each morning. I get up before my husband in the mornings, and I make my side of the bed as soon as I get up.

Now, granted, it is dark, so I am doing a quick job of it. I can always make it a little less wrinkly later in the day. But he is also making his side of the bed when he gets up. So our bed is made first thing in the morning every day.
I saved the best for last. Open your closet. If it is cluttered up, start decluttering a few minutes at a time until it looks better. I do not want you to pull everything out and sort. I just want you to flip through your hangers and pull out whatever does not fit or that you don’t like. It might be one thing, and it might be ten things. Do not tell yourself to hang onto it if you have held onto it for years waiting to lose weight to fit into it. Do not feel guilty if it still has tags on it. Bless someone else with it, if it does not fit.
You can make your room a haven of rest.
Today’s Zone Mission is to detail vacuum the Living Room.
Your Home Blessing for today is to declutter paper and magazines.
My menu plan for Thursday is chicken and a salad.
Have a great day!

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About Tami

Tami Fox is a homeschool mom of 6, who in age from 26 to 11. She and her husband have homeschooled for 17 years and have graduated three of their children from their homeschool. They are currently homeschooling 3 boys who are in grades 11, 9, and 6. They use hands-on learning and unit studies to ignite the fire of learning in their children. Tami is a homeschool author and conference speaker. You can contact her by email at Buy her book, Giving Your Children Wings at

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