Reward Friday – Getting Organized

Getting Organized
in Your Home and Homeschool  


Yesterday I talked about attitudes and using rewards to inspire good attitudes. I was asked for some ideas for ways that I have rewarded my children. I thought there might be several of you who would like some ideas. One thing I look at is finding something that the child really does. It does not always have to be something that I buy for them. It is rare that I reward them with an item. I don’t want to add more clutter to my house, and I like to reward them weekly. So with a budget-conscious thought process, I have a list of things that my children enjoy for rewards. I have all boys at home now, but I will also list rewards for girls since I do have an adult daughter that also received rewards growing up. The biggest reward for them is that I am playing with them and spending time with them without an agenda.

Outdoor activities
Park Time
Games in the Yard
Field Trips
Science Center
Board Games
Homemade Pizza and Movie Night

I like to pick rewards that have some level of activity in them, since that is something we all enjoy.

My daughter enjoyed rewards such as horseback riding, art lessons, anything glittery and artsy, and the list can go on from there.

The main thing is that I pick things that they really enjoy because that gives them incentive to do their school work and tasks around the house with a good attitude. Most of our rewards happen toward the end of the week on Thursday or Friday. Sometimes, we pick activities for Saturday, so my husband can participate. It’s a family reward in many ways. Children will remember these family moments. They are the times that you are tying heart-strings. They are the memories they will carry with them.

Holiday Mission: Add food items to your grocery list. Decorate any areas that you have missed so far. Watch a family Christmas movie. Don’t forget to have a date night this weekend!

Zone Mission: Clean your microwave (or other kitchen appliance)


  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.


  • Time for FUN FRIDAY!
 Afternoon Routine:
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water
Family Fun:

Play a game with your children today.
Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.) 
  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Put things at your launch pad
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

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Attitude Thursday – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool


Do you have problems with attitudes in your home? I am not referring to good attitudes, but I am asking about the other kind of attitude. Over the years, I have been asked if I have problems with my children having a bad attitude about school or helping around the house or picking up behind themselves. I always have the same answer. I really have not experienced bad attitudes from my children when they were young or when they were teenagers. I think a lot of it has to do with my methods of teaching and rewarding good attitudes, and I do tell them that I will take privileges if they have a bad attitude. For young children, simply taking away a special toy is a good motivator. For teenagers, taking away cell phones or driving privileges is a good motivator. But really I think the positive reinforcement I have given them over the years has played a big part in their attitude and helpfulness to me. I do things with them that they enjoy to reward them for doing their schoolwork cheerfully and picking up behind themselves. We work as a team to take care of the house, so the team is rewarded with play time after work. I think I have sown seeds of love and trust in them, and it has been joyful to see some of the fruits of that in my older children. So the next time you feel frustrated with a bad attitude, try to find a way to turn it around in a positive way.
Holiday Mission: Thursday

Today’s Holiday Mission goes along with what I wrote above. Take time to read a Christmas book with your children. If you have the supplies, make some hot chocolate. Relax and enjoy your family today!

Zone Focus: Kitchen – Do a 15-minute Room Rescue. If your kitchen is clutter free, then pick another room. But I have a feeling that you can easily spend 15 minutes decluttering in the kitchen. I know that the kitchen is my biggest offender of Hot Spots.



  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.


  • Have you done some hands on learning with your children this week? Plan something for tomorrow! Make tomorrow a Fun Friday for school!
 Afternoon Routine:
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water

Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.)

  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Put things at your launch pad
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

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Abundant Living – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool

After talking to several friends, I was inspired to write about Abundant Living. During this time of the year, we get caught up in activities and meeting the expectations of others. We forget sometimes to do those things that spark joy in our heart. Part of living abundantly is doing those things in life that give us joy. These are usually very simple things for me, but I find that they are pushed to the side when I feel like I have to do something to meet someone else’s expectations. Sometimes a well placed two-letter word is the best response to activities that do not spark joy — in case you need to hear me say it, it’s the word NO. Of course, I know that we all have things we must do that do not always spark joy, but if we start those projects with the attitude that it will bless someone, it makes it easier to do. When I wake up each morning, I purpose in my heart to have a joyful attitude. This helps me when I encounter situations that do not automatically spark joy.

Another hindrance to living an abundant life is to avoid unrealistic expectations. These can be your own expectations or the expectations of others. Many of you reading this are faced with meeting high expectations of parents, in-laws, grandparents, and other family members. This is usually more apparent at holiday time when you have family gatherings. Before you go to any of these gatherings, work on your attitude first. Realize that you are not going to be around them for long and seek to have so much joy that it spills over on them. If you are around family who does not share your beliefs and says or does things that you do not want your children around, take them out of the room as gracefully as you can. I have had to do that in the past. I decided that my children were more important than the other person. It is a hard reality, and I know some of you will face this over the Holidays.

Avoid over-commitment this month. A sure-fire way to lose your joyful spirit is to over-commit yourself and your family. Say YES to those things that bring you joy, and say NO to those things that stress you out. Keep in mind that you are building family memories for yourself, your husband, and your children. If you are stressing about getting to a lot of activities, cooking, shopping, and baking, you will find yourself tired at the end of the Holidays. I want you to find yourself peaceful and restful for the New Year.

Be content with what you have. Buying a lot of stuff will not bring contentment and abundant living. Giving your children a lot of stuff will not bring them contentment either. Look for gifts with meaning. Look for gifts that do not add clutter to your home. Look for gifts that you can give that will bless others.

Living abundantly with love. Live joyfully.

Zone Mission – Kitchen: Get out your Christmas china and serving pieces. Wash them if needed and start using them.

Holiday Mission – Work on your Christmas menu. Add items to your shopping list after you check the pantry and freezer.

Grocery Shopping and Errand Day – Take your list, pack snacks, and water bottles.
  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.

School: Is your paperwork caught up? Do you need to update lesson plans or attendance sheets?

Afternoon Routine:
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water
  • Errand day: Make your plan for grocery shopping and errands. Pack water bottles and snacks for everyone. Pack up your library books that need to be turned in.
Family Fun: Plan a fun activity while you are out. I am in the habit of checking for free activities that are going on while we are out doing errands.
When you get home from doing errands, have everyone work together to unload and put away everything.

Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.) 
  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Put things at the Launch Pad that you will need first thing in the morning
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

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Spruce Up Tuesday – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool

Have you enjoyed sprucing up your home for the Holidays? I enjoy getting my house tidied up and decorated for the Holidays. This week we are working in the kitchen, and if you do Holiday baking and cooking, you will enjoy having your kitchen ready to use with lots of clean spaces. Today I want you to wipe off your kitchen counters, especially pay attention to the areas that you have kitchen appliances sitting. If you have several appliances on the counter, see if you can relocate the ones you do not use regularly. The goal is to have your counters prepped and ready for your Holiday cooking. If you wiped your counters and decluttered them on Monday, then wipe the outside of your kitchen cabinet doors. Just spend 15 minutes working in this zone today.

Holiday Mission: Set up a display area for your Christmas cards that are beginning to arrive. Watch a Christmas movie with your family.

If you need more help with organizing your home and homeschool, you can download  The FlyLady’s Homeschool Teacher and Homeschool Student Control Journals for free.


Set your timer for 15 minutes for the Home Assignment and 15 minutes for the School Assignment
  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.
  • Clean out your refrigerator. Toss the science experiments.


  • Are you taking time to enjoy the fall weather as a part of your school day? Take some books outside and enjoy doing some school work outside today.
 Afternoon Routine: 
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water
  • Write up a menu plan for the next 7 days. Check your pantry and freezer and make a grocery list. This habit will save you time and money. Try out some new recipes with the slow cooker. It will save you time once you start back to your school schedule.
Family Fun: Take your children for a walk.
Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.) 
  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Put things at the Launch Pad that you will need first thing in the morning
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

FB Cover - Tami Fox

Merry Monday – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool

Let’s purpose today to have a Merry Monday. Our attitude is easily shared within our homes. If we have a poor attitude, it spreads to our family. If we are merry and happy, our family can mirror this. We are in a busy season of the year, and it is easy to let our attitude to be less than pleasant to others. Many times our family sees these moments, and no one else does. If we purpose to have a happy and merry attitude for those we love, isn’t that better than just being pleasant for others. I want my children to look back and remember that I enjoyed being their mom. I want them to remember that I had fun with them and laughed with them. I don’t want their memories to be of a stressed-out, grumpy mom. Mothering matters to our children. Let’s make the effort to enjoy the moments with them.

“If you make it fun, it will get done.” The FlyLady

Here are your Zone Missions for the week for Zone 2 – The Kitchen:

Monday – Clear your kitchen Hot Spots
Tuesday – Detail wipe your counters
Wednesday – Get out your Christmas China
Thursday – Do a 15-minute Room Rescue
Friday – Clean the microwave or your oven

Holiday Missions:

Monday – Put out your Holiday towels and candles
Tuesday – Set up a display for your Christmas cards
Wednesday – Work on Christmas Menu and Check the Pantry
Thursday – Read a Christmas book
Friday – Add items you need for Holiday baking to your grocery list

If you have not downloaded my Holiday e-book, it is not too late. You can still use the full calendar plans for December and January.

It has helpful pages for you to do your menu planning, grocery lists, gift lists, and a daily calendar for the rest of November, December, and January. I will also put the daily tips in my newsletter and on the blog. The e-book will just help you see the whole picture and give you forms to use.


  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.
Weekly Home Blessing Hour:
Spread these out over the course of the week. Put a note on each day of the week with one or two of these per day.

7 Parts of the Weekly Home Blessing Hour from The FlyLady:

  • Quick Dust
  • Sweep/Mop
  • Purge Magazines or Paper Clutter
  • Change Bedding
  • Empty Trash
  • Clean Windows/Mirrors
  • Vacuum
  • Do you have some hands-on activities planned for the week? Look for a Thanksgiving Unit Study to work on this month.
 Afternoon Routine:
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water
Family Fun: Have some outdoor time with your children today. Play. Do some nature journaling. The point is to add some movement to your day.
Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.) 
  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Lay anything out that you will need first thing in the morning
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

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Wrap Up Friday – Getting Organized

Getting Organized
in Your Home and Homeschool  


There are so many directions I can take when writing about Wrapping Up Friday. We are wrapping up our school week on Friday. We are wrapping up our weekly Zone Missions. This time of year, we are also wrapping up presents. That is what I want to talk about today. When you buy Christmas presents, wrap them as they are delivered or as you bring them home. This will help you so much in the days leading up to Christmas. I know I have been worn out right before Christmas and had to wrap all of our presents in the couple of days before Christmas. Since I started using the Holiday Missions from The FlyLady, I have not worn myself out getting ready for Christmas. I spread out my Holiday Missions, and it makes it so much more enjoyable for me. This week, I spent a few hours with my youngest child building a gingerbread train. He loved the time with me, and I was not stressed about the things on my To Do List. I would rather make a few special memories with my children each Christmas than to have a marathon of activities that we can’t remember later.

Holiday Mission: Set up a wrapping station and use it!

Go shopping with your husband and have a date night. Mail your Christmas cards.

If you have not put up your Christmas tree, do that on Saturday.


  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.


  • Time for FUN FRIDAY!
 Afternoon Routine:
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water
Family Fun:

Play a game with your children today.
Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.) 
  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Put things at your launch pad
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

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Flat Surfaces Thursday – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool


How are you doing with maintaining your house while getting ready for the Holidays and doing school? One thing that I have done over the years is to purposefully schedule a lighter school schedule in December. I do this by starting school early in August. I also pick fun learning activities that go along with Christmas. We have done community service projects in December. It can be done any way you want to do it. One year my grandfather got sick and passed away between Thanksgiving and Christmas. That year, we took a 6 week break from school. It worked out with our schedule because I had started early, and we took the time we needed in the spring to finish the year. It was a hard year, but we did not lose any ground academically. Don’t stress yourself with an unrealistic schedule. Give yourself and your family mercy and grace. Find the peace of the Christmas season.

Holiday Mission: Thursday

Clear off the flat surfaces in your dining room, detail dust, and decorate. Pull out your Christmas china and table cloth if you have them. I have a very inexpensive set that we have used for years. It makes us happy to use them from year to year.



  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.


  • Have you done some hands on learning with your children this week? Plan something for tomorrow! Make tomorrow a Fun Friday for school!
 Afternoon Routine:
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water

Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.)

  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Put things at your launch pad
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

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Sweep Up Wednesday – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool

Today let’s get our front porch spruced up for Christmas. We can sweep the porch, take down the fall decorations, and put out the Christmas decorations today. This is not a big task. If you have several Christmas decorations that you want to put out, spread it out over the week, or ask for help. Decorating for Christmas should be fun, and I don’t want you to stress out about making it perfect. If you are not up to putting out a lot of decorations on the porch this year, that is ok, too. Sometimes we get so caught up in follow traditions that we lose our joy in doing them. If decorating your porch does not bring you joy, then consider not doing it. We live so far out in the woods that no one sees our front porch except for us. So we don’t decorate the porch. I do work on sprucing it up monthly and sweep it a couple of times a month. This works well for us, and it is one way that I keep from stressing out with decorating everything. We have been working on our tree for a week. The boys put it up for me, and we are working slowly on adding decorations. It’s fun to enjoy looking at the ornaments that we have collected over the years.


Grocery Shopping and Errand Day – Take your list, pack snacks, and water bottles.
  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.

School: Is your paperwork caught up? Do you need to update lesson plans or attendance sheets?

Afternoon Routine:
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water
  • Errand day: Make your plan for grocery shopping and errands. Pack water bottles and snacks for everyone. Pack up your library books that need to be turned in.
Family Fun: Plan a fun activity while you are out. I am in the habit of checking for free activities that are going on while we are out doing errands.
When you get home from doing errands, have everyone work together to unload and put away everything.

Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.) 
  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Put things at the Launch Pad that you will need first thing in the morning
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

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Entry Way Tuesday – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool

Today let’s detail clean and decorate our entry way. This is the first area people see when they enter your home. Make it warm and inviting. Get rid of unnecessary clutter. If you put out a Christmas wreath on your front door, do that today, too. Play some Christmas music while you are working today. It will make your tasks fun.

How are you doing with your school planning now that we are getting close to the end of the first half of the school year? Do you need to buy additional books? Some children move along faster with certain subjects, so check to see how they are progressing. Have you kept up with your attendance paperwork and lesson plans? Don’t fizzle out now. Have a strong finish to the first half of your year.

Zone Mission: Entry Way – Decutter and Decorate

Holiday Mission: Decorate your entry way and front door. Pick out a Christmas movie to watch as a family tonight.

If you need more help with organizing your home and homeschool, you can download  The FlyLady’s Homeschool Teacher and Homeschool Student Control Journals for free.


Set your timer for 15 minutes for the Home Assignment and 15 minutes for the School Assignment
  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.
  • Clean out your refrigerator. Toss the science experiments.


  • Are you taking time to enjoy the fall weather as a part of your school day? Take some books outside and enjoy doing some school work outside today.
 Afternoon Routine: 
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water
  • Write up a menu plan for the next 7 days. Check your pantry and freezer and make a grocery list. This habit will save you time and money. Try out some new recipes with the slow cooker. It will save you time once you start back to your school schedule.
Family Fun: Take your children for a walk.
Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.) 
  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Put things at the Launch Pad that you will need first thing in the morning
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

FB Cover - Tami Fox

Routine Monday – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool

Let’s get back to our routines today. For many of us, a long Holiday weekend means a departure from our routines. Let’s get things going again around the house. If you are like me, you have some laundry to do, some clutter to get rid of, some Blessing to do to your home, and some Christmas things to accomplish. Let’s break it down into manageable steps. Pick SIX things you would like to accomplish today. Put a number beside of each one. Roll a dice (or spin a wheel) and do one thing at a time throughout the day.

“If you make it fun, it will get done.” The FlyLady

Here are your Zone Missions for the week:

Monday – Detail Dust the Living Room
Tuesday – Detail Clean Entry Way
Wednesday – Sweep Front Porch
Thursday – Clear Flat Surfaces in Dining Room
Friday – Set up your wrapping station for the Holidays and add Christmas dessert ingredients to your shopping list.

If you have not downloaded my Holiday e-book, it is not too late. You can still use the full calendar plans for December and January.

It has helpful pages for you to do your menu planning, grocery lists, gift lists, and a daily calendar for the rest of November, December, and January. I will also put the daily tips in my newsletter and on the blog. The e-book will just help you see the whole picture and give you forms to use.

Holiday Mission – Monday – Decorate your coffee table or side table in the living room.


  • Make Your Bed (Do this as soon as you get up.)
  • Get Dressed Down to Your Shoes
  • Swish and Swipe
  • Start Your Laundry
  • Decide on Dinner
  • Check Your Calendar
  • Start the Day off with a Shiny Sink. Don’t leave the breakfast dishes sitting.
Weekly Home Blessing Hour:
Spread these out over the course of the week. Put a note on each day of the week with one or two of these per day.

7 Parts of the Weekly Home Blessing Hour from The FlyLady:

  • Quick Dust
  • Sweep/Mop
  • Purge Magazines or Paper Clutter
  • Change Bedding
  • Empty Trash
  • Clean Windows/Mirrors
  • Vacuum
  • Do you have some hands-on activities planned for the week? Look for a Thanksgiving Unit Study to work on this month.
 Afternoon Routine:
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clear off One Hot Spot
  • Reboot the Laundry
  • Declutter for 15 Minutes (Be sure to have your children declutter, too.)
  • Drink Your Water
Family Fun: Have some outdoor time with your children today. Play. Do some nature journaling. The point is to add some movement to your day.
Before Bed: (This starts right after dinner.) 
  • Check the Calendar for Tomorrow
  • Lay out Your Clothes for Tomorrow (Have your children lay their clothes out, too.)
  • Lay anything out that you will need first thing in the morning
  • Shine Your Sink
  • Clean Off a Hot Spot
  • Go to Bed at Decent Hour

FB Cover - Tami Fox