Homeschooling with Little Ones

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool



A couple of months ago, I wrote about homeschooling with little ones in the house. I had several questions about activity ideas, so I thought all of you might like some ideas if you have young children at home.

When we started homeschooling in 2000, my children were 10, 5, 1, and one on the way. They are currently 26, 22, 17, 15, 13, and 10. I had to learn ways to entertain and occupy my little ones, so I could homeschool the older children. It took creativity. It took a willingness on my part to let the little ones learn and explore through arts and crafts when they were big enough to do that.

The first thing to remember in messy playtime is that your children are washable. Their clothes are washable, too. It is possible to have a quiet place to do you out loud reading with all of the children in the room with you. They can color, use markers, playdough, or colored pencils while you do out loud reading and instruction to the older children.

My older children also enjoyed the creative arts and crafts, so I would also let them spend some time doing these activities while I was talking or reading to them. They could remember what I was reading to them even though they looked busy with their artwork.
So my first go-to activity became anything that involved plain paper and some sort of art medium.

I also learned to rotate toys for my younger ones. They had special toys that they got to play with during school time. This made it special for them.

Rotating where they are in the house with you also works in distracting them when they are bored of one room. Little ones have a short attention span. You can homeschool in a lot of places in your home. I would read with my children in the living room some mornings instead of at the kitchen table. Sometimes, we took school outside for a change of scenery.

Rotate who plays with them. As toddlers and preschoolers get more active, you assign older children 10 or 15 minutes of play time with the little one. This might have to be in the same room you are in for supervision sake. But it is good for bonding between siblings, and it can give you a few minutes to explain a concept to another child.
If you don’t need a nap yourself, you can use nap time for one-on-one time with older children. I did this when I had high schoolers and preschoolers. I was able to teach algebra and science concepts much easier when I did this teaching during the afternoon nap time.

Use pack ‘n plays and high chairs when needed. There are times when you need both hands to teach an older child. Put the high chair or pack and play right beside you and teach you lesson. It does not have to be for a long period of time, but it will help your little one learn to play independently.
Sit on their level when you can. This is a great technique when you have a lot of little ones. Just sit in the floor and teach your lessons and read to the children. The bigger ones can do their paperwork part of school at a table, if they like. But my little ones were usually more content to play beside me or it on my lap if I was on the floor with them.
Your Zone Mission today is to declutter the flat surfaces in your bedroom for 15 minutes and dust. Set your timer and ask your children to declutter in their rooms, too.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wash sheets.
My menu plan for Monday is hamburgers and a salad.
Have a great day!


Zone Missions: The Master Bedroom     
Monday – Declutter flat surfaces and dust

Tuesday – Declutter in your closet

Wednesday –  Declutter dresser drawers

Thursday – Declutter the floor of your closet and shoes

Friday – Clean under the bed
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Are you getting enough rest?

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool



As you are sitting here right now reading, tell me if you are tired and fatigued or well rested. Seriously, you can reply and email me your answer.

Are you getting to bed at a decent hour each night and getting 8 hours of sleep? If you have babies and toddlers, you might not be getting a full night’s sleep. You may have older children who get up at night, too. So you could be dealing with interrupted sleep. I understand. I have been there!

My fourth children was not a good sleeper. I was sleep deprived for a year with him. Fortunately, he started sleeping through the night, but during that year, I took a daily nap when he napped.

If you are not sleeping through the night because of your baby, then you need to take a nap every day. I realize you probably have other children at home. Institute an afternoon quiet time for everyone. Teach them to rest or read quietly for 30 minutes to an hour. You need to have this time to refresh your body.

Do you view your time after the children are in bed at night as your time to catch up on computer stuff? Try working on your schedule, so you get up before your children get up, and then go to bed ahortly after they go to bed. In my house, everyone is in bed with lights out at 10:00 pm. Most nights, I fall asleep before 10:00 pm. But my alarm is set for 6:00 am every morning.

My early morning time is the time of the day where I have my quiet time and Bible study. It is when I catch up on a few emails. It is when I exercise. I am up a full 2 hours before my children. This is much better than staying up until midnight because we all know that if we are up that late on the computer, it can lead to staying up until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning.

By having this time for me before the boys get up, there is a natural stopping point when they get up. I am more efficient if I am working before they get up. I know that I have to be ready to start school with them.

If you struggle with getting enough rest, please use some of these tips. You will feel better and be happier if you get the right amount of sleep.

Today’s Zone Mission is to declutter paper from the home office or your homeschool papers.

Your Home Blessing for today is to empty the trash, sweep, and mop.

My menu plan for Friday is pizza and a salad.

Have a wonderful weekend!
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Reward Yourself and Take Care of Yourself

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool
In the course of talking to many homeschool moms over the years, I find that most of them put everyone else first, and they often neglect taking care of themselves and rewarding themselves. This is a a recipe for burn-out and martyrdom.
You are probably thinking that I have already written about this topic, and I think it is important enough to mention again. If you neglect yourself to the point that you are not physically well, you have to evaluate when you can do to change that.
Several years ago, I was overweight with a list of health concerns. Does that surprise you? I was on prescription medication for several things. I was not good at telling people the word, “No.” I tried to please people and take care of my family. In the process, I neglected my health.
After a doctor’s visit to increase one of my medications yet again, I decided it was time to make some changes. I had six children, and four of them were born when I was in my 30’s. I started homeschooling when I was pregnant with baby number 4. I helped take care of elderly family members. I had a lot of things going on, but I was unhealthy. I did not want to continue on that path. I did not say, “No,” often enough to others.
Small changes to my routines helped me to successfully take charge of my health. I weaned myself off sodas. I changed some of the foods I ate. I started drinking more water. I added in exercise. If I had done all of this at once, I would have likely failed. But I did them one at a time, and I still work at tweaking things.
Your body gets conditioned to certain things. It adapts, and that is when you have to look at ways to change things up. If you are accustomed to a certain amount of movement each day, your body will get used to it. So you have to vary your exercise routines. You have to vary the amount of time you spend or what you are doing with your exercising.You have to change things up with your diet, too. Your metabolism slows down as you age. So what you ate in your 20’s and 30’s might not work as well in the same amounts in your 40’s.

Rewarding yourself and pampering yourself should also be a part of your regular routine. As you probably have guessed, my schedule is busy. I still take time to soak in the tub a couple of times a week. I take a few minutes each day to read for pleasure. I plan dates with my husband to have fun with him.
It’s hard being “all work” all the time. Write down a list of things you can do to better take care of yourself. Set some small goals. Move more.
Drink more water. Rest more. Play more. Eat better. You want to model this for your children.
Your Zone Mission for today is to shine your bathroom sinks and counter tops. Throw things away for 5 minutes.
Your Home Blessing for today is to declutter paper and magazines.
My menu plan for Thursday is chicken and veggies.
Have a wonderful day!
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Guarding Your Time

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool


As a homeschool mom, you probably get a lot of interruptions in your day. I know in my earliest years of homeschooling, it is was big adjustment for our extended family to realize that I was not available certain hours of the day.Prior to homeschooling, I could take social calls during the morning. After I started homeschooling, I found that a morning phone call quickly disrupted my school morning. Simply put, if I took a call, my students disappeared.

If you have family members who like to call and chat with you in the mornings, you can ask them nicely if you can call them in the afternoon or evening at your convenience. Use your voice mail. Turn the ringer off your phone or use the Do Not Disturb feature. On most phones, you can put in a couple of numbers that will always get through to you.
If you live in a neighborhood, you might need to put a sign on your front door to help with people who just stop by. If the neighborhood children like to visit your home, you will need to have a signal of some sort for them to understand when you are doing school, especially when the school systems have a holiday.
If you get distracted easily on the computer while your kids are doing school work, close it and resist the urge to check on things on your phone. Try to be present with your children during their school time. It will make the lessons go by faster. Only open the computer during school if you need it to teach a lesson or show a video. I do use my computer at times to show videos during school. It is rare, but I do pull it out for school once in a while.
Stay in control of your outside appointments. Many offices like scheduling homeschoolers for monring appointments. Most of the time, this can disrupt your entire school day. So do what you can to use one day a week as an appointment day and schedule a light school day, or just schedule appointments for right after lunch.
Encourage your kids to move around in between subjects. This will help them absorb what they just learned, and it will help work out any wiggles that they might have. My doctor told me that my boys have never had many health issues because we eat healthy and get in lots of movement time daily.
What are things that distract you during your school time that you can prevent?
Your Zone Mission today is to declutter the medicine cabinet.Your Home Blessing for today is to wipe your windows and mirrors.

My menu plan for Wednesday is a beef roast and vegetables.
Have a great day!
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Attending Homeschool Conferences

Do you attend a homeschool convention each year? Many of you who receive this email have attended a homeschool convention. I have met many of you as I have traveled with The FlyLady.

When I started homeschooling in 2000, I did not attend a homeschool conference when I placed my first book order. The school year had already started, and I started homeschooling our son after two weeks of kindergarten in public school. I started homeschooling my daughter 6 weeks later. When the spring rolled around, I attended a homeschool convention for the first time.

The benefits of attending a homeschool conference are that you get to listen to great speakers who are vested in the homeschool community. You make friends with other homeschoolers. You get to look at books in person, and many times, you get to meet the author of the books.

When I picked curriculum for our second year of homeschooling, I switched from a textbook approach to the unit study approach. If I would not have looked at the materials in person and talked to someone who used it, I probably would not have made that decision.

Using unit studies really ignited a love of learning in our home that was not present when we worked separately with textbooks. We started doing history and science as a family, and it made us closer. My younger children learned so much from just being a part of what my older children were learning.

In one week, I will be traveling with The FlyLady to the Teach Them Diligently Conference in Rogers, AR. We will also be attending the other three TTD conventions in Tennessee, Ohio, and Georgia. We love meeting homeschoolers and talking to you. We love sharing how you can have peace in your home and homeschool by using basic routines.

If you are interested in attending the event in Arkansas, you can register at . You can save $10.00 off your Registration Fee with Coupon Code flylady2017 .

The following weekend (March 30-April 1), we will be attending and speaking at the TTD Convention in Nashville, TN. You can register for this event at . The same discount code mentioned above should also give you $10 off your registration.

We are so excited to be able to attend the Teach Them Diligently events this spring. Make plans to join us if you are within driving distance.

Today’s Zone Mission in the main bathroom is to wipe down the shower walls.

Your Home Blessing for today is to dust and vacuum.

My menu plan for Tuesday is tacos and a salad.

Have a blessed day!

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Are your routines complicated?

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool



As I read and respond to your emails, one common thing I see is that you have a hard time teaching your children life skills to help around the house and getting in the amount of school work you want to get in each day.One reason it is hard is that you may have made your routines a little complicated. If you have young children, you also have to factor in that it takes longer to teach them how to do something.
You need to allow some cushion time in your schedule to allow for your younger children helping you. This will help you keep from getting as frustrated. Yes, it will take you longer to swish and swipe or fold a load of laundry. But the positive side is that they are learning to do the task, and you are preventing them from making another mess while you are busy.
My morning schedule has time blocked off for our home blessing time before we start school. This is only 15 minutes. It does not really push my school day that much later. We all do something for 15 minutes to take care of our home.
The other thing that has helped me over the years in the mornings is to have the children pick up their toys before bedtime each night. This has to be a consistent thing in an evening routine, but it will pay off in the morning when we you are ready to do a household task. You will not spend extra time picking up or asking your children to pick up. It will be done already.
Once you have completed this home blessing time, then you can dive into your school day. If you have a complicated school routine, see if you can simplify it. There are lots of moving parts to a homeschool day. Keeping things moving smoothly makes everyone happy, especially mom.
Rewarding your children in the afternoon or evening with a game or playtime with you will help motivate them not to dawdle during the morning. If your children struggle through their lessons, evaluate how you can make it better. Use a timer to help move them along. Give them little breaks to move around and have water to drink.
Homeschooling does take a lot of time in your day, but I know it is possible to homeschool and take care of your home each day.
Your Zone Mission today is to declutter and wipe down the bathroom counter and sink area.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wash sheets.
My menu plan for Monday is hamburgers and a salad.


Zone Missions: The Main Bathroom and One Extra Room
Monday – Declutter Bathroom Counters and Wipe Down

Tuesday – Wipe down the shower walls

Wednesday –  Declutter the Medicine Cabinet

Thursday – Declutter in the Laundry Room

Friday – Declutter in the Home Office
Have a great day!
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Stop Buying Duplicates – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool



Do you find yourself frustrated when you look for something at home? We need a certain amount of things on hand in our pantry to help us with our daily meals. What does your pantry look like?

My pantry is deep, so I work at pulling things forward, so I know what is in there. This also helps me to use the items that have been in there the longest. When my pantry is in disarray, I find that I purchase duplicate items.

Decluttering and organizing the items in your pantry will help you plan your menu and will help you save money. Children love to help sort items, so if you find that your pantry needs a lot of attention, call in the troops. Start with one shelf or area at a time. Pull out only the number of items you can sort in 15 minutes. Do not empty your pantry at one time.

There are many ways to sort your items depending on the size and shape of your pantry. I have a set of boxes that hold my spices. I sort canned goods by soups, vegetables, beans, fruits, and canned milk. On the shelf below that, I sort out the boxed items. On the bottom shelf, I sort my baking items.

When you put groceries away, put the new items toward the back and pull the other items to the front. Check expiration dates. I have found expired canned goods in my pantry, so I know it can happen.

Don’t go all perfectionist on doing this. You don’t have to have all the labels facing the same way. You don’t have to sort your spices in ABC order. Just putting things that are similar together will help you.

As you use the last can or item of something, put it on your list to purchase the replacement. I have taught my children to do this, too, because they cook as much or more than I do.
How do you organize your pantry?

Today’s Zone Mission is to spend 15 minutes working on one shelf of your pantry.
Your Home Blessing for today is to empty the trash, sweep, and mop.
My menu plan for Friday is pizza and a salad.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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Finding Focus – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool

Do you find it hard to keep our focus with all you have going on around you? Raising children and teaching them at home changes the dynamics of your life. You have lots of things going on in your home at one time.

Using a timer and a list will help you with your focus. The timer will bring you back to reality when you have been interrupted. If you have a child who loses focus, a time will help that child, too. Children who dawdle over school work often respond well to a timer.

I have a few boys who are easily distracted. I used a timer for math when they would drag it out too long. I would assign a certain number of problems and tell them to see how many they could do in 15 minutes. There were times when long division or fractions caused a lot of angst with my children, and the timer was a welcome relief when they were mastering these new skills.

If you have a child who does not enjoy reading or writing, you can use the timer for those subjects, too. Set the timer for 15 minutes and assign their reading. Many times, they will get immersed in the story and want to finish it after the timer goes off. What the timer does is gives them incentive.
If your children are at an age where they have a lot of paperwork for school, using the timer can help you alternate sit-down work and activities that get them out of their seats. The movement time helps them process what they are learning.

The timer can help you and your children with focus. If you are not using one daily, try it today.

Your Zone Mission for today is to declutter 1 shelf in the fridge.

Your Home Blessing for today is to declutter paper and magazines.

My menu plan for Thursday is stir fry chicken and veggies.

Have a wonderful day!
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Kitchen Hot Spots – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool


Have you discovered that you have a kitchen hot spot that needs attention every day? For anyone who cooks and is home most of the day, kitchen hot spots pop up. If you leave the house and come back, a kitchen hot spot creeps up on you.

One reason for this is that the kitchen has a lot of flat surfaces. You counters and a table. Some of you have a kitchen island for food preparation.

Flat surfaces just beg for you to pile things on them. As you declutter your flat surfaces, put pretty decorations out on them. I use a tablecloth on my kitchen table all the time. This seems to help the hot spots from landing on my kitchen table.

However, I do have a kitchen island, and it is the place where everyone in the house piles things. I have to take care of this hot spot nightly. It is a part of my routine when I am shining my sink each evening.

My counters do not collect too much clutter, but the boys will line plastic things up to dry out. I have to match bowls and lids each morning.

In one of your daily routines, you have a hot spot drill. It does not matter if you deal with them in the morning, afternoon, or evening. What matters is that you spend a few minutes daily dealing with your hot spots.

What is your kitchen hot spot?
Your Zone Mission today is to deal with your kitchen hot spots for 15 minutes.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wipe your windows and mirrors.
My menu plan for Wednesday is grilled chicken salad.
Have a wonderful day!
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Making Your Routines Solid – Getting Organized

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool
Each month we practice a specific routine. As you are practicing this month’s routines, how are you doing with shining your sink and decluttering daily?

Your routines are like a dance. You take it one step at a time in a certain order, and before you know it, you are done! Of course, I know there are things that pop up that you have to work around sometimes. Appliances break. Children get sick. You get sick. Appointments pop up on your calendar.

The secret to managing these interruptions and not losing your momentum with your routines is to keep them simple and keep practicing them. As I am writing today, I have had the dishwasher running, the washer going, and the dryer on. I get up every 45 minutes to switch things out and drink my water.

You can do this with your routines. If you need a sticky note or a written list in a sheet protector, then write out simple routines for yourself. It will help you keep track. If you have an iPhone, you can download a free app to help you.

FlyLady Plus is a free app that is a part of The FlyLady family, and it is available in the app store from iTunes. Your three daily routines are set up in the app. The Zone Missions are also set up in the app.

Today’s Zone Mission in the kitchen is to shine your sink. That was our habit in January. How have you done with keeping your sink shiny since January?

Your Home Blessing for today is to dust and vacuum.

My menu plan for Tuesday is tacos and a salad.

Have a wonderful day!
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