Show me Your Master Bedroom

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
Today is the last day in our zone of the week. How does your Master Bedroom look today? Email a picture to me. I want to celebrate your progress with you. Email a picture to me at
Our zone mission today is to declutter for 15 minutes and take out the trash. Use your timer for this mission. Do not dump a lot of stuff on your bed or floor. Have a box handy to put in items to donate and a trash bag for items you are tossing.
For years, the bedroom has been the recipient of your stash and dash items. It will take time for you to get through all of the clutter in your room. You can spend a couple of minutes each time you put away laundry to pull out things that you are not wearing.
If your children’s clothes are out of control, spend a few minutes a day with them decluttering the clothes that do not fit. If you have gently used clothes, set up a clothing swap with friends, or find a local domestic violence shelter to take the outgrown clothes.
If your children are like mine, they wear the same clothes over and over. Meanwhile, they have clothes that they are not wearing at all.
As I was picking up a cake and card for my son’s birthday, I noticed the large packs of underwear and socks are on sale now. Check your children’s sizes and make a list of their clothing needs.
During the summer, I don’t notice that the boys grow because they are in shorts all of the time. When the weather cools off, suddenly none of their jeans fit. It’s time to take an inventory and purge. Then, there will be room for the next size up in clothes.
Be ruthless in purging clothes. The majority of Americans have too many clothes. We accumulate them, and they take over our homes. Having too many clothes costs us a lot of energy in maintaining them and in washing them.
Finish up your missions and enjoy your weekend.
What are you doing for family fun day this weekend?
Today’s Zone Mission is to declutter and take out the trash.
Your Home Blessing for today is to empty the trash, sweep, and mop.
My menu plan for Friday is take out.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Bedroom Makeovers on a Budget

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
How are your missions moving along in your Master Bedroom? Are you seeing progress? An inexpensive way to give your Master Bedroom a makeover is start with decluttering it.
Declutter the Flat Surfaces
You can change the look of your bedroom by clearing off flat surfaces and maintaining them. You can make it look less cluttered by putting away your laundry and not using furniture to hold your clothing.
You can move your furniture around and make your bedroom look like a different place. You can change your throw pillows to give a new color scheme to your room.
Move Your Furniture Around
You can move furniture out that is not serving you well in your bedroom and put a different piece of furniture in its place.
Sometimes we get so used to the things that are in our rooms that we neglect thinking about how we can change things around.
Paint Your Bedroom
If you have not painted your bedroom in a while, you can think about painting. That will cost more money than moving stuff around, but you can take a look at the budget to see if that is feasible.
Change the Pictures in Your Bedroom
Another way to change the look and feel of your bedroom is to consider the pictures you have displayed. Do you have other pictures you can switch out from other places in your home?
Set up Special Displays
Do you have special items that you would like to display but haven’t took time to set up in your room. If your children are older now, you might like to have some baby pictures displayed in your bedroom.
Move the Electronics Out
Are your electronics taking over your bedroom? So many people have charging stations in their bedrooms. If you do this, I would suggest relocating it to another room in the house, such as a family room or living room. Getting the electronics out of your bedroom will bring you peace and less light at night.
Clear Off the Nightstand
Is your nightstand a catch all? If you routinely have a large stack of books and stuff beside of your bed, consider making this area a place where you keep only a few items. You don’t want to look at a stack of books first thing each morning.
Only Keep Things Out that Bring You Joy
Look for ways to minimize the clutter in your bedroom. Only have out the things that you really enjoy seeing daily. Find another place to store things other than your dresser top and flat surfaces.
When you go to bed at night, you want the feeling of peace and relaxation to come to you when you lay down. You don’t want to survey the piles of clutter that surround you.
Your Zone Mission today is to dust along the tops of the walls and ceiling in your bedroom.
Your Home Blessing for today is to toss papers and magazines.
My menu plan for Thursday is soup, sandwiches, and a salad.

Have a great day!

Are you taking care of yourself, Sister?

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
After watching a video this morning, I was struck by the thought that The FlyLady teaches us to love ourselves and take care of ourselves for a reason. She wants us to be healthy, so we can take care of our loved ones.
Sister, are you taking care of yourself?
Self-care is not selfish. It is loving yourself, so you can love and take care of your family. I have been down the road of exhaustion and poor health because I put everyone else’s needs ahead of my own basic needs.
After a couple of difficult years in 2010 and 2011, my health was the worst it has ever been. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and was overweight. If I had continued on that path, I was headed for serious health issues. I was at a high risk for a stroke. I was not able to effectively care for my young family.
I had spent months helping care for my in laws, and I had allowed the stress and lack of sleep put me into a self-destructive cycle. I made the decision to take care of my health, so I could continue to take care of my family. This was not a selfish thing for me to do.
My FlyLady routines were pretty good except for a couple of key habits. I was not getting enough rest at night. I was not drinking enough water. I was not getting in purposeful movement.
My house looked good, but I was not taking care of myself.
A change had to happen with me. I had to make the decision for myself. It was not because someone else wanted me to make the change. I wanted to change, so I would be healthier and happier. If you have gone months with interrupted sleep, you know exactly what I am talking about in regards to feeling happier. Months of sleep deprivation make a person grumpy and snappy.
You can’t change all of your bad habits at once. I knew this, so I started small. I worked on drinking water instead of caffeine and sugar drinks. I replaced those drinks one at a time. I started exercising 10 minutes at a time. I did stretching and light cardio and worked my way up. I worked on getting to bed earlier. I took naps on the days when I was up and down a lot at night.
My self-care changes have helped my health tremendously. My doctor says that most people over age 40 do not reverse poor health issues like I have done. I have the strength and energy to care for my family. My blood pressure is lower. My cholesterol is normal. I am not grumpy from lack of sleep.
All of these positive changes enable me to be a better caregiver for my family. It sets a good example for my children to take care of their health.
What are you doing right now to take care of your health, sister?
Your Zone Mission today is to wipe the light switch plates and door knobs in your bathroom.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wipe windows and mirrors.
My menu plan for Wednesday is soup and sandwiches with a salad.
Have a great day!

Has your underwear lost its elastic?

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
Today’s Zone Mission had me thinking about the state of my underwear drawer. There is nothing worse than putting on a garment with elastic, and the elastic is shot. When we declutter, we tend to skip over the underwear drawer.
The mission today is to declutter from your drawer that has your pantyhose and socks, but I also want you to take a look in the drawer where you store your bras and underwear. All of these items have elastic or stretchy properties, and it is annoying (and embarrassing) if you try to wear something that is past its use.
Have you ever put on a pair of underwear only to have them fall back down? That happens when the elastic is shot. But we hold onto underwear for some reason. Today, I want you to toss the pairs that don’t fit you properly or have lost their elastic.
If you have a collection of bras that are not comfortable, you have a free pass to toss them as well. A good-fitting bra is an essential part of your wardrobe. If your bras do not fit properly or comfortably, go to a store that specializes in measuring you and helping you pick out a proper fit. You don’t have to buy a lot of bras. You can get by with one or two well-fitting bras.
Do any of you still wear pantyhose? For most of us, these are a thing of the past. I do have a few pair in my drawer for a situation where I would need to dress formally down to the pantyhose. I need to check them to make sure they still have their elasticity. Pantyhose do not stay up when their elastic is shot.
Socks that do not fit well and have lost their stretch slide down into your shoes. It’s annoying, and it can cause blisters. So let go of those socks that are worn out. Generations ago, ladies darned socks. They also knitted socks. Most of us don’t do that anymore. You can re-purpose old socks as rags, but you don’t need a lot of them.
Speaking of socks, do you have a basket or bag of mismatched socks? This is your week to deal with them. Have a sock matching party. Offer prizes or watch a movie while you do this. When you have gone through the whole basket, toss the ones that do not have mates. You need to do this periodically.
July is a great time of year to get a handle on the underwear situation in your drawers. In August, you will see back-to-school specials on socks and underwear. Start a list now for each person and their current size. Then you will be ready when the sales start.
If any of you are currently wearing your maternity undergarments and are not pregnant or nursing, it’s time to let them go. I know they are comfortable, but it’s time.
Your Home Blessing for today is to dust and vacuum.
Your Zone Mission for today is to declutter items from your sock and pantyhose drawer.
My menu plan for Tuesday is soup and sandwiches. Veggies and salad for me.
Have a blessed day!

Decluttering a Few Minutes a Day in Your Bedroom

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
What a beautiful month this has been! I hope you are enjoying your summer, too! This week we are going to declutter in the Master Bedroom. Take pictures as you declutter. I love seeing your progress!
Here are you missions for the week:
Zone 4 Missions: The Master Bedroom
Monday – Declutter under your bed for 15 minutes
Tuesday – Declutter items from your sock and pantyhose drawer
Wednesday – Wipe your bedroom light switches and door knobs
Thursday – Dust the upper part of your walls and ceilings
Friday – Declutter in your bedroom and take out the trash
Set your timers and then take a break when it goes off!
Use your timer to keep you from going overboard with your missions each day. Resist the temptation to dump drawers and pull out more than you can deal with in 15 minutes.
On Monday, you are going to spend 15 minutes decluttering under your bed. You will breathe so much better at night once you get rid of the stuff under your bed and evict the dust bunnies.
On Tuesday, your mission is to declutter items from your sock and panty hose drawer.
On Wednesday, you are going to wipe the switch plates and door knobs in your Master Bedroom. This helps you get rid of germs and gets rid of any smudges.
On Thursday, you are going to do a quick dust along the ceiling and upper parts of your walls. If you have a ceiling fan, give it a quick dust, too.
On Friday, your mission is to declutter and take out the trash.
If your closet is unruly, switch out one of the missions above and get rid of some of the clothes you are not wearing. If you need to paint or do any other home improvements to your bedroom, write those on the list.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wash the sheets.
Your Zone Mission for today is to spend 15 minutes decluttering under your bed.
My menu plan for Monday is soup and sandwiches. Salad for me.
Have a blessed day!

How did you do with your Zone Missions this week?

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
How did you do with the Zone Missions this week? I want to see your progress in your main bathroom (or your home office). Email a picture to me at
Your Zone Missions this week took you into a couple of areas. You had missions in the main bathroom. My hope is that you like the way it looks now. If you do your daily swish and swipe, you should not have a lot of monthly maintenance when we come around to zone 3.
Then you will have more time to spend on zone missions in other areas of your home. I know that you want to declutter in your basement, garage, or attic. You can spend a few minutes each day during the third week of the month on these areas, and you will start to see change.
If your decluttering projects are large, break them down into smaller areas to focus on each month. You can also involve your family, especially if you are dealing with items that belong to them. One of my friends has been working with her children this summer to declutter their items that have been stored in the garage. They have made great progress.
Another friend has been assigning her children zone missions this summer in their bedrooms that follow the Student Control Journal. She has seen great improvement in her children’s rooms and in their daily routines.
As you see improvements around your home and with your routines, you should start feeling more relaxed and less stressed. As you declutter, you should find it easier to do your Home Blessings and Routines. You are doing these to love yourself and take care of you.
You will also have more time for fun with your family on the weekend as you spend time during the week on your decluttering projects. We all like to have fun with our families, and your missions around the house take away the guilt you feel when you have a messy house and want to do fun things with your family.
What are some areas where you have seen improvements in your home this summer?
Today’s Zone Mission is to wipe the bathroom baseboards and check your office supplies.
Your Home Blessing for today is to empty the trash, sweep, and mop.
My menu plan for Friday is take out.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Home Improvement Projects

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
Today’s Zone Mission in the Main Bathroom is for you to take a look around and make a list of any improvements you would like to make. You can make a practical list, and you can make a dream list, too.
Home improvement projects help the value of your home.
Bathroom renovations are important over time. Your bathroom has a lot of plumbing. The fixtures get a lot of use. Improvement projects can cost a lot of money or can be done on a smaller budget. Some projects may need to be staged out to be done over a period of time.
Last fall, we did a big renovation project in our kitchen. We had some inconveniences, but they were temporary. In the big picture, we improved our kitchen, and it added to the value of our home.
By starting with a wish list of home improvement projects, you can start to break them down into steps. You can do some research on people qualified to help you with your projects. You can work on a budget and timeline.
Some rooms look like they have had a big makeover when you declutter and do small things like paint. So don’t overlook little things you can do to make a room look like you did a big renovation.
If you want to change the look of a bedroom or a family room, you can move the furniture around and make it look completely different. You can switch our pieces of furniture, change wall decorations, or replace decorative pillows or throw blankets.
In your bathroom, you can change the colors of the towels and washcloths that you use to give the room a new feel. Decluttering the counter tops can change how your bathroom looks. You can paint with a new color and trim work to give your bathroom a face lift.
What are some things you need to do to your main bathroom (or any other room in your home)?
Your Zone Mission today is to make a list of things you want to do to change the look of your main bathroom. Your home office mission is to finish decluttering the top of your desk.
Your Home Blessing for today is to toss papers and magazines.
My menu plan for Thursday is chicken and salad.

Have a great day!

Are you procrastinating your daily routines?

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
Happy anti-procrastination day! How are your routines this summer? How are your children’s routines? During the summer, we encounter different schedules and commitments, and sometimes the routines of the day don’t seem as important.
You basic daily routine is the spine in running your home. It’s what holds your home together. Your daily routines are important, and you can move things around and do them at a different time of day if needed. I see this happen most often with the afternoon routine.
Your Before Bed Routine is the main routine of your day. It sets you up for a great start to the next morning. It’s not a complicated routine, but it is often overlooked and pushed to the side.
When I have a busy day with lots of bumps along the road, my routines anchor me. They give me structure. My routines keep my house running smoothly. My routines bring peace.
Some of you are thinking, “How do you keep a routine going when everything seems to be falling in around me?”
“How do I complete my routines when I am being pulled in many different directions at once?”
“Do my routines really matter?”
First, you need to write your daily routines on a paper, or an index card, or in a notebook. I included pages in my Homeschool Plannerfor you to write down your daily routines. When things go hay-wire with your schedule and demands, you will have something to check for your routines. If you watch my morning videos on Facebook, I have my daily routines posted on my school cabinet in the kitchen.
When you face distractions during your routines, use your list and check off each thing as you complete it. If you are interrupted, you can easily go to the next step when you are finished with the distraction. For many moms, young children can be unpredictable. Your routines may have interruptions by these little blessings.
My routines are a priority, and I treat them as such. They do matter. By keeping my basic routines in place, I am able to keep the CHAOS monster at bay in my home. My routines help me bless myself and my family with a home that I am not embarrassed to have someone come over unexpectedly.
Your routines matter to YOU. If you are still establishing them, you may not feel that way you. They BLESS you. They are not a ball and chain. They bring you peace and order.
Since today is anti-procrastination day, I want you to do your best to complete your Morning and Before Bed Routines today. If those two routines are firmly in place, then do the steps to your afternoon routine.
When I talk to ladies and receive emails, the question that comes up the most has to do with getting rid of clutter. During the afternoon routine, you clear a Hot Spot. If you do this daily, it is going to help you with your clutter problem.
The only way to rid your home of clutter is to get rid of something each day. Intentionally purging as your clear off Hot Spots will help you get the clutter out of your home a little bit at a time.
Today’s zone missions will help you get rid of dust and maybe even some germs.
Your Zone Mission today is to wipe outside of your bathroom vanity or cabinet. Then wipe your computer screen and computer keyboard.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wipe windows and mirrors.
My menu plan for Wednesday is lasagna with a salad.
Have a great day!

Do you participate in a homeschool support group?

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
Have you picked your first day of school and started your planning? Since I have been homeschooling for more than 18 years, I know that my brain starts thinking about getting back to our school schedule in early August.
Do you have all of your books ordered and ready to use? Have you decided on any additional resources that you might need or supplemental classes?
If you wait until August to make some of these decisions or place orders, it could delay your school starting date. Spend some time this week looking through your materials and checking your list.
You may want to look for any summer activities you want to do, and you might want to think about anything special you want to do to start off your school year.
Are you involved in a homeschool support group or co-op? If not, I encourage you to look for a local group. It is helpful to have friendships and support of other homeschool friends. It has been an ecnouragement to me over the years to have my local homeschool support group meetings each month.
If you don’t have a local support group, I encourage you to start one. Invite some of your homeschool mom friends out for coffee and dessert. Talk about your concerns or offer support to one another. Over the years, I have talked to so many moms who feel alone in their homeschool journey. I want more for you. I want you to have friends you can go to when you have a question or need encouragement.
My daily emails and blog posts are intended to encourage you, but it doesn’t always give you the one-on-one encouragement that you can give one another.
The other benefit of a homeschool support group is that you can set up field trips with your homeschool friends, and you can get group discounts and have fun, too.
My local homeschool group meets once a month. We have speakers sometimes at the meetings. We talk and fellowship. We plan field trips. We plan seasonal parties. We do a homeschool yearbook together. Many of us bring our kids to the meeting, and they also have a lot of fun seeing one another.
From what I have gathered, there are not a lot of face-to-face homeschool support group meetings. There are lots of online groups. But there is something special about the bonds you make with these in person support groups.
Tell me if you have a local homeschool support group and what role in plays in your life.
Your Home Blessing for today is to dust and vacuum.
Your Zone Mission for today is to wipe the bathroom door facings, switch plates, and door knobs.
My menu plan for Tuesday is tacos. Veggies and salad for me.
Have a blessed day!

Two Zones in One Week with Quick Missions

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
The third week of the month brings us to the Main Bathroom and another area of our homes. The FlyLady has picked the Home Office this week as the extra area to declutter. If you do not have a home office, work on decluttering the area where you process paperwork. Let go of paper. You can also start getting ready for your new school year.
Here are you missions for the week:
Zone 3 Missions: The Main Bathroom & One Extra Room
Monday – Clean Bathroom Vent
Home Office: Declutter the Left Side of your Desk
Tuesday – Wipe bathroom door facings, knobs, switches
Home Office: Declutter the Right Side of your Desk
Wednesday – Wipe outside of bathroom vanity of cabinet
Home Office: Wipe Computer Screen
Thursday – Make a list of bathroom updates you want to make.
Home Office: Finish Decluttering your Desk top.
Friday – Wipe bathroom baseboards
Home Office: Check office supplies
Set your timers and then take a break when it goes off!
Do not get overwhelmed with the missions. Divide them up and do a little at a time. Don’t obsess about the missions.
On Monday, you are going to clean the vent in your bathroom. If this stirs up dust, you might need to sweep afterwards. Then tackle one area of your desk. Declutter paper and only handle it once this week.
On Tuesday, your mission is to wipe the bathroom door facings, switch plates, and door knobs. Then declutter another area of your desk top.
On Wednesday, you are going to spend a few minutes wiping your bathroom vanity and outside of the cabinet doors and drawers. Then, you just need to wipe your computer screen and keyboard.
On Thursday, you are going to think about bathroom updates you want to make and write down a list. Then check your bathroom supplies and add items to your list. Then finish decluttering the top of your desk.
On Friday, your mission is to wipe the baseboards in your bathroom. Then check your office supplies.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wash the sheets.
Your Zone Mission for today is to clean the bathroom vent and declutter things from one side of your desk.
My menu plan for Monday is cheeseburger bake boys and a mixed green salad for me.
Have a blessed day!