Don’t Put It Off

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool



Dear Friends,
Happy anti-procrastination day! This is the day of the week that we do something we have been putting off. Some of you are masters at putting things off. One problem is that you have a To Do List that is too long. Another problem is you allow your perfectionism to stop you from doing something on your list that really needs to be done.
Take a page from The FlyLady, and use the “Do it now” principle. When there is something that you have been putting off, set your timer for 5 minutes and get started on it. You might need longer than 5 minutes to complete it. But you are taking the hardest step by just starting. In many cases, you will have the momentum started and finish before you know it.
If your perfectionism is keeping you from doing something, remember that it is better to start it than to not start at all. What project have you started and abandoned because you weren’t getting it perfectly. If you tell yourself that you don’t have time to do something, you will never have time to do it. Break it down into small steps and get started.
The FlyLady tells us that housework done incorrectly still blesses our families. If you are putting off dusting, vacuuming, or sweeping because you don’t have time to do it “right,” just do it the best way you can. Dust around the items ON the flat surface. Vacuum the high traffic areas. Sweep quickly and move on. You do not have to spend hours cleaning your home.
Have you procrastinated your Christmas shopping? Get started today. You have time, if you get started. I know people who love the “thrill” of shopping on Christmas Eve. That stresses me out! I like to have time to shop a little at a time. This also means I wrap presents a litle at a time.
What are some things you have procrastinated? Tell me what you are going to do today.
Your Zone Mission today is to detail clean the shower.

Your Home Blessing for today is to wipe your windows and mirrors.

My menu plan for Wednesday is pizza for the boys and a salad.

Have a great day!

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About Tami

Tami Fox is a homeschool mom of 6, who in age from 26 to 11. She and her husband have homeschooled for 17 years and have graduated three of their children from their homeschool. They are currently homeschooling 3 boys who are in grades 11, 9, and 6. They use hands-on learning and unit studies to ignite the fire of learning in their children. Tami is a homeschool author and conference speaker. You can contact her by email at Buy her book, Giving Your Children Wings at

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